Biblical Counseling
Life is unpredictable and there are times when you just can't walk through a tough time alone. We provide several counseling options for you in your time of need or struggle.
At MTBC, we have worked hard to foster a culture of discipleship, where members naturally care for other members through word, prayer and good deeds. In a fallen world, we expect things to go wrong, and to that end, we often need help from others to sort things out. While every Christian has a responsibility to live in a loving and caring way towards others, our church recognizes that there are some who are especially gifted to help with life’s most difficult problems.
The type of counseling we do is referred to as“biblical counseling” (BC). Our goal is to erect from the Bible a model and method to wisely help people in their problems. As biblical counselors, we seek to build strong relationships and help people to apply the gospel in ways that are meaningful and direction-giving. Our counseling is shaped by a Christ-centered view of human life as found in the Christian Scriptures, which takes seriously the physical, social, and developmental nature of our difficulties. We believe that people can be healed, strengthened, and built up as they grow in their understanding of the gospel and in their relationship with Christ. However, this doesn’t happen apart from our personal dependence on Him and seeking of His help.
If you desire to schedule a counseling session with the pastor, please complete your request and a church staff member will contact you.