New Members 101
The next step after joining? You'll take our New Members 101 Class to get you up to speed with our church, beliefs and ministries. You will also have a chance to ask us questions.
The New Members Class is a five part class that is offered once a month on Sunday morning 9:00 am before worship service. Check the bulletin for dates and times of our next class. All new members are expected to attend and all prospective members are welcome to come and learn more about our church.
Be the Difference ! Check out our Get Invovled page to see how you can plug into all the activities, missions, and ministries at Mount Tabor and strengthen your connection with God. You don't even have to be a member to join in most of the events listed there, so your involvement makes a great way to get a feel for your new church home.
If you're excited to begin the membership process, please contact our clerk, Pastor Garcia or Deacon Wesley Thornton Your new friends can't wait to meet you!