Bible Study Resources
The following are popular sites to study the Bible on the Web
Audio Bible Online - RealAudio is required to hear the audio on these pages, click here to download your free copy of RealPlayer today. STEP (Scripture Tools for Every Person from Tyndale House, Cambridge). This resource was developed by the scholars at Tyndale House, Cambridge, and the Evangelical Research Library near Cambridge University in England. The site includes a reverse interlinear for the ESV, very good cross-reference links, and an amazing collection of very good older commentaries. This site also has research texts like the Samaritan Pentateuch, Dead Seas Scrolls, and Greek and Latin resources in the original languages and in English. Classic Bible Commentaries. This site includes commentaries from Calvin, Darby, the Geneva Study Bible, Gill, Jamieson, Faussett and Brown, Matthew Henry, and Wesley. is a free service for reading and researching Scripture online--all in several languages and translations. Biblegateway provides advanced tools to search the Bible by keywords or verse, as well as other tools. This site includes the IVP New Testament Commentaries. Crosswalk. This includes the above commentaries plus Scofield Reference notes, the Fourfold Gospel and the Treasury of David. It includes Ashley Johnson's Condensed Biblical Encyclopedia. The main page is a multi-channel site with blogs, devotional helps and other sites of interest to Christians. Blueletterbible. This includes some of the above commentaries and a few more like J. B. Lightfoot on Romans and Martin Luther on Galatians. There are maps and images, and the old ISBE. E-Sword. This site allows you to download Barnes, Clarke, Darby, the Geneva Bible Notes, John Gill, Keil and Delitzsch among others. This also allows you to download the Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge. Studylight. This site includes Clarke, Abbott and Abbott, James Burton Coffman, Barnes's Notes, David Guzik, John Lightfoot, among others. Bible Hub. A very good site with commentaries, interlinears, encyclopediae, Atlases among other things. Bible Names Pronunciation, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Holman Bible Dictionary This is a recent Baptist Bible dictionary. Dictionary of Bible Names This site is an older dictionary giving the possible meanings of all the names in the Bible. Maps and Timelines organizes maps according to Book of the Bible and uses Google Earth maps. Bible Altas contains Google Earth maps and photos of each place mentioned in the Bible. The entries are in alphabetical order.
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Bible Maps, Pictures, and Timelines Simple Bible Maps and Timelines |