Join Our Church
Do you long to come home--the place of love, companionship, rest, peace, and security? Perhaps this is the kind of home you can only long for, never having been able to enjoy such a place here on earth. Picture a home where Jesus waits for you. Will you choose to spend time there with Him? Although salvation is a free gift that we can never lose, believers do not always enjoy the blessings of being at home with Jesus on this earth. As you read His story, drink in His presence and enjoy His beauty, the beauty of God Himself. It is possible to come home while we wait to go "home"!
Right now regardless of what you have done Jesus is waiting and willing to accept you. We want to make the joining process at Mount Tabor relaxed, welcoming, and rewarding. Anyone who will be in agreement with our beliefs and mission may present themselves for membership in one of the following ways:
As A New Convert (Candidate for Baptism - If you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, our church will receive you as a candidate for baptism by immersion. Baptism is the act of totally immersing a person in water in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
By transfer of your membership or by Christian Experience- Candidates desiring to transfer membership from another church can submit a letter of transfer from previous church and Pastor if available for consideration.
By restoration of your membership - Persons who have ceased to contribute to the church and have ceased to attend services may have their membership restored by approval of the church body and completion of the 'New Members’ Class.
By a temporary membership or under Watch Care- These individuals are members of another church yet want to join our church family while they are living in our community. While 'Watch Care' membership allows for all the privileges of fellowship and worship, one may not serve in an elected position of leadership or vote in church business sessions.
At the conclusion of the worship service, our pastor extends an invitation. During this time you may go to the front and speak with him about joining the church. If you have any questions about membership, call the pastor at 540-429-4290. He would be happy to speak with you.